Английская песня Who is who
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Номер "Английская песня Who is who" из шоу-программы "Музыка нас слизала" (просмотров: 14051)
Песня I am Dmitry Sokolov. I am crazy man!
I have very stupid face and people: "Ho-ho-ho!"
I am music man! I am music man! I am music man!
Really music man!
I am Andrey Rozhkov. I grandmother man!
I am at super "Ииигорь!" show and people: "Ho-ho-ho!"
He is grandmother man!
I grandmother man!
He is grandmother man!
I am "Иииииигорь!" -man!
Really "Иииииигорь!" grandmother man! We are music man!
I am Slava Myasnikov. I am guitar man!
I am guitar play-play-play and people cry- cry-cry.
I am guitar man! I am singer man! I am magic man! We are music man!
I am Sergey Netievsky. I important man!
I am important man! I am power man! I am music man! We are music man!
I am Isaev. I am Kalugin. We have best vocal!
Brekotkin, Yariеsa, Popov - we have bad vocal.
We have bad vocal. We have bad vocal. We have bad vocal. Very bad vocal!
All together!
We are music man! We are magic man! We are funny man! We are "Ural Pelmen"!
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